Hey Family,
This week has been great!! Monday we just hung out and Elder Eatchel packed. Tuesday we went and saw the people that mow our yard. They are really cool and always give us fresh produce. They have a huge garden. Most of the day was spent wit Elder Eatchel still packing. That night we went walking around (because we gave the car up) and these people stopped us and asked if we wanted ice cream. We said yes and they bought us some big ice cream cones. It was awesome! then on Wednesday the Donovan's picked us up in the morning to go to transfers. We arrived and they announced who was going to Memphis and Elder Eatchel was one of them. Then transfers actually started and they announced who all was getting transferred. Well my name wasn't called which meant that my comp was coming from Memphis. The Donovan's wanted to take me out to eat so I grabbed another missionary that was waiting and we went out to eat. Then we got dropped off at the church again and hung around doing odd jobs for the office for the next 6 hours or so. I also got to see how proselyting online works and it's really cool! Then they came back from Memphis and transfers happened again. My new comp is Elder Taylor. He is a cool missionary and is from Mesa AZ. He goes home at the end of this transfer so that will be fun. We then came home and arrived at 9. It was a long day. On Thursday we went and saw Donovan and he is doing good. We need to see his girlfriend Cindy but she works a lot. On Saturday we went and saw Korrissa. She is Jesse's girlfriend and we set up an appt to go teach them. We also saw our next door neighbors that one is a member. Sunday we went to church and that was really good. It was fast and testimony meeting and lots of the young women got up and talked about girls camp. For the third hour we went into young men's. It was about having the spirit in your home and getting along with your siblings. It was really good and I realized the older we get the more we get along with each other. Or so it seems.
That is all from me. It sound like y'all have had a great week and will have fun this next week. Thanks for all you do.
Love Elder Talbert