Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cold and Rain

Joseph's letter from January 13

Hey Family,
                    This week was great!  It has been cold and rainy all week long. Monday we did our usual thing. It was lots of fun and I won most games. On Tuesday we had Zone Meeting. It was a big meeting with lots of missionaries because of how the zone has changed. It was all about inviting people to baptism and how to overcome their concerns and then promise blessings. It was good and I got to see and talk with Elder Jacobson so that was cool. After we came back to West Memphis, Elder Oveson and I went to go see some people. The few appointmenst we had fell though but we were able to talk with a few people on the street and teach them. Then as we were walking home we got picked up by this less active member named Brother Tucker. He is really cool and has a testimony of the gospel but doesn't come to church for some odd reason. Wednesday night we had a branch correlation meeting in which the branch gave us some names of less actives they wanted to focus on. It was really good since we hadn't had one in a long time. Then on Thursday we talked to a few more people on the street and taught them the first discussion. We then went  o a less actives named Sister Misskelly. We helped her take down her Christmas tree and put it away. We then got a ride home from them and went to the Barnum's for dinner. The Barnum's are a really cool family in the branch. Brother Barnum is a helicopter pilot instructor. He is also the branch missionary assistant. After the Barnum's we went to the Wall's and shared a spiritual thought with them. Not much happened on Friday but on Saturday we went to some appointments. After our appointments we went to see Janet and she is as busy as ever. We talked with her for a little then she had to go and take care of her kids. Saturday evening we went and visited with Noland. We talked to him about the Plan of Salvation. He really enjoyed it and had read the pamphlet beforehand. He had a few questions about the 3 degrees of glory but we were able to clear those up. This next week we might be going to Forrest City where he lives to meet with him (we will see how many miles we have). On Sunday, church was really good and the talks were on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. After church we had some meetings then we went home and ate lunch. After lunch we went to see the Russell's. We visited with them for a little then we went to the Green's for dinner. After dinner we went with Bro Barnum to see the Sherwood's. It was a good day and a great week.
                                     Well that's about all for me. I hope y'all have a great next week and a good beginning of the new semester. Have fun in Vernal this weekend and know y'all will be in my prayers.
                   Elder Talbert 

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