Monday, March 25, 2013

Toss Me!

Hey Family,
                  This week has been awesome. On Monday we played lots of basketball. I am not good at basketball at all and playing against my companion who is like 6' 5" makes me look horrible. On Wednesday we had specialized training in Little Rock. It was about how to gain the trust of the members and how to get your investigators to trust you within the 1st visit or so. The president has also challenged us to memorize scriptures (around 84 I think) that go along with the lessons. I have been trying to memorize as many as I can this week. My goal is to have it all done by the end of April. On Friday we had a dinner appointment with the Lunds. Sister Lund was sick so they gave us some money to go out to eat. We went to this Mexican restaurant and had our meal payed for by another member. On Saturday we used the money to go out to lunch. At 4:00 we had a baptism. YEA!!! The baptism was for this kid named Derek Bruce. It was lots of fun and the next day he got confirmed in church. Sunday morning we went to go and wake up some of our investigators before church. Then we went to church and they still did not show up so they must have gone back to bed or something. It was a bummer but this next week we will go see what happened. Church was very good. The talks were about the youth conference. They went to Nauvoo to see the sites and stuff. It's good to hear that you are all getting cold weather as well. This week started out good but by the end of the week it has been rainy and stormy nonstop.
                  A few random side notes. First off, thanks for letting me know where my friends are going on their missions. It is always fun to know where they are going. Second off, I think it will be better if you send my meds every month as you have been. I already have about an extra month supply. Thanks for all the love and support you give me
                          Love Elder Talbert 

At the Fraido's House

Elder Talbert and Elder Jacobsen with the Zone Leaders

Derek's Baptism Day

District Meeting Time

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