Monday, July 22, 2013

I am Jean Valjean (Letter from July 15)

Hey Family
                 This week was really good. On Monday we woke up around 6 and went to go do a workout thing called cross fit with a member. It was lots of fun but it is expensive (the first time was free). Then we just hung out and had a good P-Day. Tuesday we went to zone meeting and had had a good time there. Then we came back and tried to see some people but like no one was home. Wednesday we taught the Plan of Salvation to the young men and then had them teach it back to us. Thursday we drove down to Walnut Ridge and picked up a baptism gown for Tamra from Pocahontas. Then we came back up and saw the Peels and Tamra. Then that evening we went to the play Les Miserables with Tamra. One of the members named Bro Rose was in the play. It was very good. On Friday evening, Tamra got baptized!! She didn't want very many people there so we didn't announce it. It ended up that their was a lot of people that showed up. She brought 4 of her friends (all non-members) and her parents came. It was very good and spiritual.
from left to right: Elder Salisbury, Pres LaVetter, Tamra, Me
Saturday we went up to Piggott and saw some investigators up there. One named Chance and another named Juane. They are cousins and Juane's wife is named Nicole and she is a member. We had a good time and their only struggle is they are afraid to come to church. They are really legit but it uses all our miles to go up there once a week. Sunday, church was good and afterwards we went to the Johnson's for lunch. An investigator named Jerry was there. He is a collage student studying physics and he lives in Blythville area but we are the only ones that have taught him. He goes to church with Bro Johnson (a high councilman) so they go to different wards each week. Bro Johnson is also his physics professor at ASU. It was a good lesson.

               That is about it for my week. I will send pics of the baptism. It sounds like y'all had fun in Oregon and at home. Sorry to hear about Gracie breaking her arm. Hope you all have a great week.
                                                                                                                             -Elder Talbert

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