Sunday, February 16, 2014

Force Fields

Letter from Feb 10

Hey Family,
                 This week has been great. We have transfers this next week and I am not getting transferred. I am excited to stay in West Memphis. Well on Monday we did our usual thing and played lots of games. We had dinner at the Lotts. On Tuesday we went on exchanges. I stayed in my area with Elder Schut. He is a new missionary that came out this past transfer. We had lots of fun going around and seeing people. Since we had the car we were able to go and see Janette. She has been busy as ever and only had a few minutes to talk. We then got a call from the other elders to come and pick them up (they were on bike week and it was raining really hard all day). When they got in the car they were soaked. Right as we were about to back up 3 firetrucks, a city truck, and 2 fire cars pulled in around us. It was nothing too big just a smoke scare I guess, but after about 20 min of waiting we got the attention of the fire chief and got one of the fire trucks to move so we could leave. Later we had dinner with Brother Barnum and a less active named Thomas John. It was lots of fun. We gave Thomas a blessing because he wants to change his life around. We then went and saw the Russell's. On Wednesday we had zone meeting. On the way to zone meeting there was a mysterious ticking noise on the way over. When we arrived I glanced at the place it seemed to be coming from and saw nothing. Zone meeting was good. It was all about using the Book of Mormon more and always having a copy to give out in your hands. On the way back from zone meeting the ticking noise continued. About the time we got to the Millington exit our tire made a pop noise. We pulled off the freeway and it was flat. 
This is what our tire looked like
 We called everything in and after about an hour we were able to get the tire off and put the spare on. We drove home very cautiously on the spare. By the time we got home we had dinner then another meeting at the church. It was a long and eventful day. On Thursday we were able to go to Firestone and get the tire replaced. The old one looked like it had been stabbed several times. Friday was fairly boring. There was a social thing at the church in the evening which included food so we went. After they were playing jeopardy and I realized I knew most of the answers. On Saturday we tried to see some people but no one was home so we went to a gas station to get a drink. A guy walked in and asked us what church we go to. We then talked to him about the church and asked if we could stop by some time. That evening we saw Sherry and David. They are cool and asked a bunch of good questions. On Sunday, church was great. We had a talk about the atonement. It was awesome and really focused on how essential the atonement is to the plan of salvation. It was a great talk and priesthood was about the creation and how everything was made for a purpose. That night for dinner we ate at the Greens. In the middle of dinner their daughter Carly (she is like 5) walked up to Elder North and asked him to explain what a force field was to Holly ( she is like 3) her younger sister. He did and Holly just gave him a weird look. After dinner I shared a spiritual thought about Samuel the Lamanite and how he had a spiritual force field around him when he was up on the wall teaching the Nephite people.

We got this cool pic of a beetle bug and a guitar = perfect Kodak moment
                 That's about it for my week. Thanks for all y'all do for me. Hope ya'll have a great week and a fun valentines day. I love and pray for y'all.
Elder Talbert

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