Sunday, April 27, 2014

Space the Final Frontier

Elder Talbert's letter from April 14

Hey Family,
                 This week has been great. On Tuesday we went to district meeting and talked about helping our investigators to come to church. We also have been learning about inviting and how we need to ask "will you" questions. That way they have a yes or no answer. I have found this to be a lot better than "you should" or "do you think" invites. After  district meeting we went home and me and Elder Sakurada were on bike week so we went walking to see Delores. When we got to her house she was on the way out but we were able to go and talk to her fiance, Willie. He is really cool and has watched the restoration DVD and said he liked it. We also met one of our neighbors. She is moving soon but said we can teach her till she moves and that she would look up the church in her new town. On Wednesday we went and taught our neighbor. Her name is Barbra. She is really cool and wants to learn. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and she was confused at first how it was different then the Bible but after some explanation and scripture reading she understood why we use both the Book of Mormon and the Bible. On Thursday we went with Gene Jones to help move some stuff at his aunt's house. I don't know if I told you but Gene is an investigator that has been around for about 3 years and has come to church for a long time but just doesn't know if he needs to get baptized. Well we went with him out to Colt, AR. It's a small town about 30 miles away. We helped his aunt move and got rid of some couches, then we went to his place for dinner. On Friday the youth were having a temple trip in the evening. Cy Orey ( a recent convert ) was going and they needed more priesthood so we were able to get permission to go to help out with baptisms. It was lots of fun. We went and I confirmed for the first time. It was a blast. After we went out for pizza. Saturday we went up to Wynne to go and see some people. We were able to see a few less active members that no one knows about and some investigators. It was a good trip, but we can't make them too often because Wynne is next to Colt - about 30 miles away. On Sunday we had Fast Sunday. It was good and we learned about Joseph and Hyrum Smith.

                 That's about it for me. It sounds like y'all had a good spring break but don't want to go to school. Hope y'all have fun at school anyways this week. Thanks for all y'all do for me.
Elder Talbert

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